1. 数字化进程下的健康传播理论建构与方法创新
2. 数字化进程下的大众媒体健康传播与公众沟通
3. 数字化进程下的策略健康传播案例研究(控烟、食品安全、精神健康等)
4. 智能传播时代的医患沟通与健康叙事
5. 突发公共卫生事件应急科普与舆论引导
6. 以人为本的全球健康及跨文化的健康传播
7. 健康与传播的观念史、思想史及学科发展史
8. 其他相关议题
本次会议得到北京大学“研究生教育创新计划”的支持,将重点支持博硕士研究生投稿并评选优秀博硕士论文。入选论文将结集成“会议论文摘要集”(conference proceedings)在《医疗、人本与媒介学刊》(Journal of Medicine, Humanity and Media (ISSN 2817-5166)正式发表。
或发函至投稿邮箱mhm_office@163.com 询问。
1) 本会议仅接受中文或英文全文投稿;
2) 字数要求:中文全文以5000-8000字为佳,英文全文以3000-5000词为佳;
3) 内容要求:需包含标题、摘要、关键词、正文、注释,省部级及重要基金项目需注明项目名称及编号,论文以课题组署名须著名课题组主要成员姓名及工作单位;
4) 格式要求:中文论文参考《北大新闻与传播评论》投稿要求的格式(见附录),英文论文参考APA第七版格式;
5) 邮件标题:姓名-单位-投稿主题编号-论文标题(例如:张三-北京大学-5-信息疫情治理的中国模式);
6) 论文首页需在页脚注明以下信息:姓名、出生年月、性别、学习/工作单位、学历、职称(在校生不需填写此项)、研究方向。
2. 2023年10月10日(北京时间)之前,主办方将向入选者发出参会邀请。
1. 参会费用:本次会议不收取注册费,交通食宿敬请自理。
2. 会务组联系方式:王老师:13683359899;曾老师:010-62753570
邮箱:mhm_office@163.com 。

CFP: MHM2023|The 6th “Medicine, Humanity and Media: Health Communication under Digitalization” International Conference
Main theme: Health Communication in the Process of Digitalization
Time: Nov. 4th-5th, 2023
Place: Peking University
Sponsor: School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University
Co-sponsor: Department of Communications and New Media, National University of Singapore
The process of digitalization has affected many processes in the development of human society and has also brought new opportunities and challenges to health communication research. In response to the “Healthy China” strategy and to achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations related to health and well-being, we aim to construct a new knowledge system of health communication and explore new directions for the education of graduate students in the field of journalism and communication.
The 6th “Medicine, Humanity and Media” (MHM2023) International Conference advocates diverse research perspectives and interdisciplinary academic exchanges. We welcome postgraduate students and young scholars from various disciplines to submit papers on (but not limited to) the following topics, improve academic exchanges, and build an academic community:
1. Innovation of theories and methodology of health communication in the process of digitalization.
2. Health communication through mass media for public understanding under digitalization.
3. Strategic health communication under digitalization in specific fields (tobacco control, food safety, mental health, etc.)
4. Medical care communication and health narratives in the era of intelligent communication.
5. Public health emergencies and science popularization
6. Human-oriented health communication in global and cross-cultural context.
7. Historical and cultural evolution of ideas on health and communication.
8. Other related issues.
This conference is funded by the “Graduate Education Innovation Program” of Peking University. Therefore, we especially welcome graduate students’ submissions and award outstanding papers. All accepted papers will be collected into the Conference Proceedings and published in the Journal of Medicine, Humanity and Media (ISSN 2817-5166).
For more information:
Mr. Wang 13683359899;
Ms. Zeng 010-62753570
Email: mhm_office@163.com
Guidelines for Submission
1. Full paper should be submitted to mhm_office@163.com before September 19, 2023 (Beijing time). The specific requirements are as follows:
1) This conference only accepts full-paper submissions in Chinese or English.
2) The Chinese full-paper should have between 5000 and 8000 words. English full-paper should have between 3000 and 5000 words.
3) Content requirements: The paper should include a title, abstract, keywords, text, and notes. Provincial and ministerial-level and important fund projects should indicate the project name and number. If the paper is signed by the project team, the names of the main members of the project team and their work units should be noted.
4) Format requirements: Chinese papers refer to the format requirements for submission to “Peking University News and Communication Review” (see appendix), and English papers refer to APA seventh edition format.
5) Email title: Name-Organization-Number of issue-Paper title (for example: San Zhang-Peking University-5-Infodemic Governance in China).
6) The first page of the paper should include the following information in the footer: name, date of birth, gender, organization, education level, title (this item does not need to be filled in for students), research areas.
2. We will send invitations to selected participants no later than October 10, 2023 (Beijing time).
Related Information
1. Fees: There is no registration fee for this conference. Transportation and accommodation are at your own expense.
2. For more information, please contact mhm_office@163.com.
3. You can also follow the “PKU Health Communication” WeChat Public Account and leave a message.

(一)标题:主标题黑体小三号字,副标题(若有)黑体小四号字,居中,不宜超过20字。英文标题字号类同,字体为Times New Roman。
(二)摘要和关键词:论文需提供中英文摘要和关键词。摘要应简明阐述研究目的及主要内容,具有相对独立性,以150-300字为宜。摘要后列出3-5个关键词,关键词之间用分号分隔。“摘要”二字和“关键词”三字为宋体小四号字,加粗;摘要的文句和关键词词语为宋体小四号字,不加粗;两端对齐并缩进两个字符。英文字号类同,字体为Times New Roman。